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Small & Complete Bathroom Renovations in Box Hill | Melbourne

Bathroom Renovations Box Hill

Bathroom Renovations in Box Hill

Are you looking to spruce up that old bathroom of yours and give it a more elegant touch? Don’t even think about starting a project that big without a reliable and professional builder on speed dial. And we have one that won’t disappoint you – George from Go Build Renovation is just the expert you need!

For more than a decade, he has been completing bathroom renovations in Box Hill that left their homeowners speechless. He is at your disposal to listen to your wishes and ideas and recommend the best possible approach to the project. You can expect the final result to be the combination of your taste, personality, and George’s expertise. This is why he always manages to deliver precisely what the homeowners’ wish for while exceeding their expectations.

Enviable workmanship

George Overton has more than 10 years of experience working as a carpenter, builder, and manager for larger building companies, participating in and completing a variety of projects across the city. Today, bathroom renovations in Box Hill are among his specialties!

But you don’t just have to take our word for it – Go Build Renovations come with a Cert 3 and 4 in building and construction. George has managed to obtain his builder’s license through rigorous testing, thus proving his skilfulness and knowledge.

But why go for Go Build Renovations when you decide to do bathroom renovations in Box Hill? Because you are working with a local expert – George is familiar with all Australian Standards and Victorian Building Authorities acts and regulations, which means he will conduct his work with the utmost attention to detail and care for every official standard and regulation.

Established Approach

Go Build Renovation does not have a cookie-cutter approach to bathroom renovations in Box Hill. Every project George takes up comes with a unique set of challenges, and every homeowner has a specific list of wishes – and it is the builder’s job to take them all into consideration.

Whenever George takes up a project, he gives it his 100% and his full attention. But what kept him at the top of his game all these years is a set process, that is, an approach he uses as a foundation for all the work he’s doing; a foundation which he adjusts based on his clients and their requirements.

With Go Build Renovation, you can expect bathroom renovations in Box Hill to include the following steps:

  1. Initial consultation during which George meets with you to discuss your needs, checks out the current state of your bathroom and assess its potential.
  2. The planning stage comes in second, when you get a more detailed explanation of the flow of the project, what it will involve, and what kind of results can be expected.
  3. Establishing a budget for the project, and with us – you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank. Together we can agree on the reasonable cost for bathroom renovations in Box Hill that will deliver the results you are hoping for but at a price you can afford.
  4. Specifying the project so that you know exactly what the project will entail – when it will start, how long will it take, which elements will be removed and which added to the bathroom.

Professional Service

Forget about babysitting the builders for the duration of the project just to make sure all will be completed as you initially agreed – with Go Build Renovation, you can expect George to start the project according to the schedule you’ve set together and deliver what he promised. When he starts your bathroom renovation in Box Hill, you are his only priority and only one thing he focuses on.

Your time is valuable, and George completes his work in such a manner that you can go back to your regular routine in no time! As he completes the project, he cleans up after himself so that you cannot even tell there was any work done in your bathroom at all!

Don’t postpone bathroom renovations in Box Hill any longer – Go Build Renovation can breathe new life into the place. We use only the finest quality materials and equipment, which is why you can count on your bathroom to stay unchanged for years to come.

Contact George today and get a free quote!