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Home Extensions - Go Build Renovation | Laburnum

Home Extensions Laburnum

Home Extension in Laburnum

Do you have a new family member on the way and you feel like your house is getting crowded already? Well, moving is not your only option – if the home you are in right now is close to your heart and you still want to spend a few more years (or the rest of your life here), we can help you optimise it for your needs. Go Build Renovation offers a wide range of redesign and remodeling services at competitive prices for our neighbours in the entire Melbourne. Thus, if you want to start a home extension project in Laburnum – George is your guy!

With more than 10 years of experience working on homes all across Melbourne, he not only has the practical knowledge to complete any remodeling and home renovation project. George is also quite familiar with your neighbourhood – he knows the ins and outs of your area, the weather conditions or potential issues that might occur. What’s more, he is familiar with the current Australian Standards and Victorian Building Authorities acts and regulations.

Taking everything into consideration, you can rest assured there’s no one better suited to complete home extension in Laburnum. So don’t postpone the project any longer – get in touch with Go Build Renovations right away to describe your needs and get a free no-obligation quote.

Do I Need a Home Extension?

Still weighing the pros and cons of investing in home extension in Laburnum? Trust us when we say that it can bring you benefits both if you are planning to stay or sell your home!

If you believe that you won’t be leaving that house anytime soon, a home extension project may just help you readjust the place to be better suited for your current needs. Whether you’re about to welcome a new family member and need an additional room, or you are not happy with the current layout – George can help you plan a new arrangement that will suit you better.

And even if you plan on selling the place, investing in home extension in Laburnum can help you elevate the property value. If you hire Go Build Renovations, you can count on a low price for high quality work that will guarantee profits in the long run.

Certified Expert

To be sure your home will increase in value after the extension, you have to place your trust in the most professional hands out there. And the fact is – there’s no one more experienced and skilled for a home extension in Laburnum than Go Build Renovation.

George Overton, the founder and registered builder at Go Build Renovation, boasts more than a decade of experience working as a carpenter, builder, and a manager for large building companies. Today, he holds certificate 3 and 4 in building and construction, and has received the official builder’s license ‘Domestic Builder – Unlimited’.

Neighbourly and Professional Attitude

George is your go-to guy for any building work you need to have done around the house. He respects you, your time, and your home, so you can be certain that the project will start as soon as you agree and deliver results you expect.

Before he even starts, he protects the area to ensure nothing gets damaged in the process. He conducts home extensions with absolute attention to detail, as if he was remodeling the place for himself and his family! Once he’s finished, he cleans up after himself so you can make use of the new space right away!

Affordable Home Extension in Laburnum

To remodel your home, don’t think that you have to break the bank – with Go Build Renovations, you can expect a fair price and first class results. Since he established the company, George wanted to make his services available to everyone. He wants to put a smile on every one of his neighbours and give them the home they always dreamed of.

Get in touch right now – call or send an email and George will get back to you ASAP. Learn more about our process, tell us about your needs, and get a free quote!